A principal research theme in our laboratory is to explore a genetic basis of multi-factorial diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus and vascular complications. In this line, we aim to eventually utilize genetic information for disease prevention, diagnosis and estimation of prognosis, and to further develop efficient therapeutic methods based on the pathophysiological findings.
News & Topics
2014.05.12 We have closed the recruitment of research staff.

2014.02.14 We are recruiting research staff.

2011.04.01 This website was updated.

2011.03.18 We have closed the recruitment of research staff (senior scientists).

2011.01.24 We are recruiting research staff (senior scientists).

2011.01.24 This website was updated.

2010.06.01 This website was renewed.


2014.02.14 We are recruiting research staff.

2011.04.01 This website was updated.

2011.03.18 We have closed the recruitment of research staff (senior scientists).

2011.01.24 We are recruiting research staff (senior scientists).

2011.01.24 This website was updated.

2010.06.01 This website was renewed.
